Dimensions of the impacts of land transitions in the Amazon and Cerrado

This project aims to predict and understand the causes and impacts of native vegetation suppression in the Cerrado and Amazon biomes, considering environmental and anthropic dimensions. The results will provide a deeper understanding of the relationships between land use changes, environmental factors, and social dynamics related to native vegetation suppression.

Modelling Land Use and Land Cover and Biodiversity in the Amazon

This is a modelling exercise, in which I used data from the scientific paper: Linking land-use and land-cover transitions to their ecological impact in the Amazon. With this data, I developed prediction models to predict a biodiversity variable, and classification models to classify Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) classes.

Estimating the effect of forest fires over forest carbon estimates in the Brazillian Amazon

In this experiment I’m trying to set up a research design to estimate the effect of forest fires over aboveground biomass in the amazon. The biomass estimates are derived from GEDI L4A product. The research design is built upon Mapbiomas land cover and fire data.

Creating accessible vizualisations of greenhouse gases in Brazil

This project consists in creating accessible vizualisations of emission data from the Climate Observatory. This is an exercise to improve the accessibility of academic documents in general, following guidelines and tools to facilitate information availability for all.

Calculation transition time from native forests to agriculture in the Brazzilian Amazon

This project consists in calculating the time to the conversion from native forests to annual agriculture for the Mapbiomas land cover classification.